Kurt Bugbee
February 2, 2023

Click here to learn to track historical portfolio balances on Ethereum

Transpose is the go-to platform for tracking historical portfolio balances on the blockchain.

Why Transpose?

Transpose specializes in decoding and standardizing asset- and protocol-level data, making it accessible to developers through a number of integrations. This includes a simple REST API for ingesting granular data at scale, as well as a flexible SQL API that allows for real-time, complex queries.

But what makes Transpose the go-to platform for tracking historical portfolio balances? For starters, our robust indexing stack allows us to rapidly ingest and translate blockchain data, making everything that happens on the blockchain as accessible as possible. This is crucial for tracking portfolio balances, as it ensures completeness and accuracy of the data.

In addition, Transpose's three-layer approach to organizing blockchain data makes it easy to understand what data is available and how to work with it. The lowest layer, settlement data, contains blocks, transactions, and logs. The middle layer, asset data, includes real-time balances as well as historical activity for NFTs, fungible tokens, and native tokens. And the top layer, the protocol layer, adds critical context to asset data, allowing developers to get a complete picture of portfolio activity.

From discovery to integration

Transpose also offers a number of valuable resources for developers looking to track historical portfolio balances. The Transpose Atlas, for example, is an online library of SQL queries designed to give developers inspiration and starting points for their own use cases. The Transpose Playground is an online IDE for developing and testing SQL queries, making it easy to explore schema and export to a development environment of choice.

Here is a simple parameterized SQL query that uses Transpose SQL to track historical token balances for a portfolio:

The above SQL uses a combination of the token_transfers and token_owners tables to generate a cumulative sum of token inflows and outflows. The results are grouped by token address and timestamp, allowing developers to track the evolution of a portfolio over time. All of which executes in just a few milliseconds! You can find this query in the Transpose Atlas here: https://playground.transpose.io/atlas/5ODoNRUfwdlc

This query can be used as a parameter to the Transpose SQL API, allowing this data to be retrieved programatically. From the Playground, you can click the export button to download a code snippet to integrate into your application in the language of your choice.

Here is what the above SQL query (with a wallet address) looks like passed as a parameter to the Transpose SQL API in Python:


The Transpose SQL API response contains:

  • status - The status of the response. Will be success for a successful response.
  • stats - Information about the amount of compute and data used for that request.
  • results - In this case, a list of objects containing the historical token balance data.

Transpose SQL API benefits

The Transpose SQL API offers a number of benefits to developers. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Easy access to granular blockchain data: The Transpose SQL API provides easy access to granular blockchain data, making it possible for developers to quickly and easily query the data they need to build powerful applications.
  • Flexibility and customization: The Transpose SQL API allows developers to create custom SQL queries to suit their specific needs. This makes it possible for developers to build applications that are tailored to their specific use cases and requirements.
  • Speed: The Transpose SQL API is built on top of a robust indexing stack, which ensures that developers have access to high-quality data that is complete and accurate and delivered at industry-leading speed.
  • Rapid time to market: Because the Transpose SQL API is easy to use and requires minimal setup, developers can quickly and easily get up and running with the platform. This can save significant time and effort, and can help developers get their applications to market faster.

You can find our Transpose SQL “Getting Started” page here: https://docs.transpose.io/sql/getting-started/

Try it yourself

Transpose's combination of robust indexing, organized data, and valuable resources make it the go-to platform for tracking historical portfolio balances on the blockchain. Save time and money on infrastructure and rapidly decrease time to market by using Transpose for your portfolio tracking needs.

Try it out today: https://app.transpose.io.

Quickstart guide: https://docs.transpose.io/quickstart/
