
blockchain data

Best-in-class indexing coverage paired with powerful integration options remove the complexity of ingesting blockchain data at scale, saving you time and money.

Trusted by businesses of all scales

Unified & contextualized real-time blockchain data

No more fuss with unreliable node services or incomplete data. Access accurate real-time and historical indexed blockchain data with our flexible APIs & dedicated infrastructure. We build key abstractions so you don't need to worry about processing or decoding low-level data:


Blocks, logs, transactions, accounts

Native token transfers & balances

ERC20 token metadata, transfers & balances

ERC721 token metadata, transfers & balances

And native indexing of 2000+ protocols across 5 key categories:






Lending Protocols

Explore all our data

Integrate on your terms

Verified Endpoints

Parametrized, prebuilt HTTP endpoints for realtime data retrieval.

Custom Endpoints

Create your own realtime endpoints with SQL. Built for production use cases.

SQL Analytics API

Send SQL requests via API to shape all of our data to your exact needs. Get data in your app in realtime.

Dedicated Infrastructure

Fully managed database replicas. Supporting hundreds of queries per second with global availability.

60+ curated HTTP endpoints for fast and simple data access

Verified Endpoints

Powerful prebuilt endpoints make it easy to access common views of our data. Pagination and indexes sorted out of the box. Built by us to handle the most common use cases of our data, Verified Endpoints let you do things like check asset ownership histories, retrieve a wallet's NFT sales, or track all recent token swaps on all DEXes in one API call.

Zero Setup

Our Verified Endpoints are ready to go, batteries included. Get your API key in our webapp and get data immediately.

Smart Pagination

Building complex pagination logic in SQL can be tough, so we've done it for you. Easily retrieve vast amounts of data in parallel.

Flexible Parameters

Smart parametrization makes endpoints as versatile as possible.

Ready for Scale

Endpoints can handle hundreds or even thousands of requests per second depending on your plan.

Deploy SQL to private, parametrized HTTP endpoints

Custom Endpoints

Write SQL on top of our unified data abstractions and deploy your own HTTP endpoints to define the exact view of our data you care about. Aggregate, filter and join across tables to make production-level data pipelines possible in minutes. Best for more complex use cases like building responsive user experiences, powering wallet applications, analyzing financial activity, fulfilling tax and compliance requirements, and much more.

Complete Flexibility

We expose full SQL read access to you to enable complete flexibility in shaping data to your needs. Don't take our word for it - try Transpose SQL out for free now in our Playground.


Custom endpoints are battle-hardened and run on the same powerful transactional infra as our Verified Endpoints. This means real time data where you need it.

Custom Parameters

Add custom parameters to create robust generic endpoints for maximum reusability in your app.

Built for Teams

Powerful features focused on productivity like append-only versioning let you ship fast without breaking prod environments in a team setting.

Powering Web3 applications, at scale

Additional Integrations

We offer a wide selection of integrations to integrate Transpose data into your production environment, from client-side SDKs, to alerting logic with webhooks, to bulk downloads, to dedicated co-located infrastructure for the most demanding workloads.

Explore what's possible

Dedicated Database Instances

Dedicated read instance database replicas, colocated with your existing cloud infrastructure. Power the most demanding use cases and run custom data & analytics workloads.

SQL Analytics API

Flexible SQL environment built on our data abstractions lets you explore the history of the blockchain in real time.

Decoding SDK

The Transpose Decoding SDK makes decoding contract activity on EVM blockchains as simple as possible. Simply specify a contract address and ABI to start streaming historical or live activity across decoded logs, transactions, and traces.

Python SDK

Integrate Transpose APIs and other infrastructure effortlessly from any Python application.


Access Transpose with real-time, ultra-low-latency queries directly from your frontend to power response UIs.

Bulk Downloads IN PROGRESS

Bulk download large query outputs without dealing with pagination, especially useful for ETL requirements and data science use cases.


Customizable SQL-based event triggers and data payloads let you receive high-signal data as soon as we register it.

Websockets IN PROGRESS

Register SQL queries to stream real-time data, minimizing the need to poll Transpose for new data that matches your criteria.


Run long queries on custom intervals and cache their output for fast response times.

The data you need, in the format you want

Transpose Indexing

Get consistent and comprehensive real-time blockchain indexing for your protocol with zero effort. Historical and live activity is automatically cleaned, sorted, and indexed into tables accessible through any Transpose integration. Talk to the team today for a quote.

  • Real time data

    3.5 second p50 latency for all our data means you can consume the data you care about in near real-time.

  • Structured Data & Indexes

    Helpful abstractions let you focus on what you care about rather than arduous transformations. Key protocol and asset activity is abstracted and managed for you.

  • Industry-leading indexing

    Not only are our pipelines the fastest in the industry for the types of data we provide, they also allow us to index new protocols faster than the competition. We stay up to date with the quickly evolving EVM landscape.

Want us to index your protocol?

Chat with our indexing team to get support for your protocol added

Supported chains

Polygon Logo
Avalanche LogoBSC Logo
Coming Soon

Start building today

Access the industry's most complete view of blockchain data with Transpose.

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